
Water Heater Services

Enjoy Uninterrupted Warmth With Premier Water Heater Services From Ironclad Plumbing and Drain

If you’ve ever spent a winter living in Ohio, you know that the cold weather can even make a polar bear shiver. Having a reliable water heater is just as important as having proper heating in your home. The last thing you want to do is come from freezing cold temperatures to enter a freezing cold shower. At Ironclad Plumbing and Drain, you can work with Ohio’s best and brightest contractors for premium water heater services. From tankless water heater systems to repairs for leaks, warm water is just a call away!

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What our customers say

Water Heater Services for Ohio

At Ironclad Plumbing and Drain, we’re awfully good at providing leading water heater services for our fellow Ohio residents. We handle everything from installation and repairs to maintenance and replacement for homeowners. We’re like water heater superstars, replacing the cape and powers with our uniform and water heaters! Our expansive service area covers the Greater Cleveland Metro, including the following cities:

Look to Our Water Heater Installation and Replacement Services!

We’ve all been there — that moment when your old faithful water heater finally calls it quits. It can be a frustrating time. When will you get your hot water back? Who do you call? That’s where we come in. Our water heater installation and replacement services are designed to make this process as painless as possible. We’ll have a new heater up and running, as we offer products from some of the more trusted brands in the industry. Pair that with our efficient and thorough installation team, and you’ll go years without worrying about the condition of your water heaters!

Tankless Water Heater Services

Are you tired of waiting for your water to heat up? Want to go green and save some money on your energy bills? If you answered yes to either of these questions, a tankless water heater could be the answer! And guess what? We’re pros at installing and maintaining them. Go tankless today and start enjoying endless hot water! The benefits of tankless systems include:

  • Endless Hot Water
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Space Saving
  • Longer Lifespan
  • Less Risk of Leaks
  • Better Water Quality

Water Heater Repairs for Those Frustrating Issues

It’s frustrating when your water heater decides to show its wear and tear. One minute, you’re enjoying a nice warm shower; the next, you’re dancing around in the cold, yelling words that would make a sailor blush. Don’t worry; we’ve got your back. Ironclad Plumbing and Drain’s expert team can handle any water heater repair, no matter how big or small. Common water heater repair issues include:

  • No Hot Water
  • Inadequate Hot Water
  • Discolored or Smelly Water
  • Water Leaks
  • Strange Noises
  • Hot Water Runs Out Quickly
  • Water is Too Hot or Not Hot Enough

Water Heater Maintenance Is Just as Important!

Just like your car needs regular oil changes, your water heater needs regular maintenance. It’s not the most glamorous job, but it sure beats having to take a cold shower in the dead of winter! Our skilled team will keep your water heater running smoothly and efficiently, making sure you always have hot water when you need it.

Need a New Water Heater? Need Repairs? Here's How You Can Tell!

It’s not always easy to tell when you need a new water heater or when repairs will suffice. Issues may occur in the middle of the day or the middle of the night when you’re out of the house, and you may not always know if these issues are actually problems. But the one thing that matters most is you know when it’s time for help. Here are some tips to help you determine whether it’s time for a new water heater or to get your system evaluated for repairs.

Water Heater Replacement Signs

Is your water heater over 10 years old? Are you frequently running out of hot water? Does your hot water have a metallic taste or smell? If you answered yes to any of these questions, it might be time for a new water heater.

Water Heater Repair Signs

If your water heater is making strange noises, leaking, or providing lukewarm water, it’s probably crying out for some TLC. Don’t ignore these signs — give us a call, and we’ll get your heater back in tip-top shape.

When Your Water Heater Needs Service, Ironclad Plumbing and Drain Is Here to Help!

In the end, whether you need a new water heater, repairs, or just some regular maintenance, we’re here for you. At Ironclad Plumbing and Drain, we’re committed to providing our customers with top-notch water heater services in Ohio, with a foundation built on a warm, friendly experience. Because let’s face it, nobody likes a cold shower! And with our help, you won’t have to deal with one for much longer! Schedule your water heater service today!

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